august // 7 months + holidays
I think a this point I am living the dream! Fabulous holidays, summer light, evening fires, smiling kids, relaxing on a beach, days full of adventure. With theses two at least, adventure is something we consider a normal occurrence. We had some 'interesting' moments these last couple weeks that included a bear (teddy bear in Logan's world), splash pads, puddles, crawling, jabbering and lots of expressions!I simply am amazed at how fast this little girl is growing up. Aria is growing like a bean and eating up a storm, on the move in the pat few days went from moving in circles to full on army crawl and now is finding her knees! My peace with her will soon be over and she will be joining the mobile world with Logan. I better be ready, I have a feelings things are about to get a wee bit crazy over here. Logan talks a mile a minute and has been working his magic to get his way with everyone. Talking in full sentences and using his manners to be so polite! Sometimes is hard not to bust out laughing when you hear what he says or trying to discipline him with his clever comebacks! He is growing up so fast! wow!So to put it this way. Life is full, busy, blessed and flying by! Jay and I have so many things to be thankful for with these two and we love to see them both discover life!xoxo